Faculty Resources

Canvas Training for Faculty

If you are new to the Canvas Learning Management System for use with your courses, please reference the Canvas Instructor Guides.

Please also reference the Canvas: Basic Training NVC Faculty module in Canvas Commons.

All Faculty Handbook, Canvas Training, and Collaboration Resources
(Alamo Share)

Online Teaching Certification (OTC) at NVC

Certification is required for all Alamo Colleges faculty who teach fully online courses.

Four Steps to Certification:

  • Step One: Training and Course Build
  • Step Two: Initial Course Review
  • Step Three: Revisions & Approval
  • Step Four: Presentation & Certification

Online Teaching Certification Overview
This course is designed to equip faculty with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively teach fully online, asynchronous courses. It covers best practices in online education, focusing on creating engaging, student-centered learning environments. By the end of this training, faculty will be well-prepared to deliver high-quality online instruction that meets the needs of diverse learners.

*To enroll, please email: Mallory Plummer: mplummer4@c178.net

Faculty in the list below have met the requirements to be certified to teach online, fully-distance, courses.


Edmond, Shaylin
Fogle, Calvin [Accounting/Business]
Harris, Betty
McWhorter, Robert

Wagner, Joshua


Aguirre, Adam
Byars George, Lise
Ingalls, Victoria
Johnson, Adam
Linsenbardt, Kimberly
Lytle, Whitney
Villarreal, Alessandra

Art and Studio Art

Booth, Sabra
Bower, Rachael
Delgado, Esteban
De Luna, Celeste [Art and Studio Art/Humanities]
Fields, Sara

Garza, Xavier
Grenadier, Kimberly [Art and Studio Art/Humanities]
Jones, Timothy
Jones, Zachary
Kersey, Diana
McClure, Clay

Northway, Paul
Northway, Theresa
Robbins, Jack
Roberts, Sarah
Schanding, Desiree


Bogale, Melaku [Astronomy/Physics]
Keltner, Marc [Astronomy/Physics]


Anderson, Andrea
Baumgartner, Anne
Becnel, Jaime
Combs, Gregory
Edrey, Yael
Fissel (Crawford), Michele
Ganapathy, Vinutha [Biology/HITT]
Gonzalez, Jo Ann

Gonzalez, Jossina
Gonzalez, Muraya
Guerrero, Leticia
Harrison, Chris
Heppard, Jessica
Kumar, Pramod
Kuppuswami, Rukmani
Madrid, Eric

Martinez Delgado, Lucero
Pina, Sophia

Reeves, Adam
Reynolds, Michele
Smith, Courtney

Stout, Brian

Biotechnology/EGRT/Nanotechnology/Ind/Manufacturing Tech

Giuliani, Jason


Beza, Kimberly [Business/Economics]
Jackson, Chunnisee

Business Computer Applications

Bradshaw, Ulku
Giese, Edward [Business Computer Applications/Business]
Paze, Joyce

Rodriguez, Roy [Business Computer Applications/Business/Student Development]

Business Management

Duke, Ahren [Business Management/Business/Marketing]
Scheri, Andrea [Business Management/Business/Human Resources Management/Marketing] 


Casanova, David
Crandall, Jacob
Howard, Alicia
Nair, Prakash
Prasad, Roopa
Van Dijk, Simon
Zapata, Aleksandra

Clinical Lab Science Tech

Elam, Daniel
McCreery, Heather [Clinical Lab Science Tech/Health Info Technology]


Farris, Mark
Jones, James
Lopez, Albert [Communications/Film/Cinema Studies] 
Molina, Timothy [Communications/Speech] 

Community Education (CE)

Conerly, Victoria
Cornejo, Guadalupe [Community Health Liason]

Martinez, Fernando [Community Health Liason]

Computer Science

Luo, Wenbin [Computer Science/Information Tech--Program]
Madrigal, Michael [Computer Science/Information Tech--Program] 
Reyes, Rodney [Computer Science/Student Development/Information Technology]
Roark, Kevin [Computer Science/Information Tech--Program]
Rynarzewski, Alan [ITCC/ITNW/ITSC/ITSY]
Salazar, Ramiro [Computer Science/Programming]
Simmons, Raphael [
Computer Science/Computer Program/Programmer/Information Tech--Program]
Yang, Xiaogang (Frank) [Computer Science/Information Tech--Program]

Criminal Justice

Arceo Garza, Kathleen
Buchalski, Brenya
Castillo, Jose
Hall, Jeffrey [Criminal Justice/Geography]
Huron, Steven
Molina-Rodriguez, Monica
Philbrick, Steven



King, Jane [Dance/Humanities]
Lopez, Brittany [Dance/Student Development/Kinesiology]

Digital Forensics/Information Tech Security

Stuhl, Brian

Digital Media

Escobar, Susan
Farrar, Benjamin
Macias, Rodolfo
Manoilov, Nenad
Marioneaux-Maguire, Viviane
Monroe-Young, Melissa [Digital Media/Marketing] 
Spangler, Alison

Digital Video & Cinema Production

Santos, Noelia


Hedgepeth, Timothy
Marlowe, Mary (Mellissa)


Antelo, Jose
Munoz, Mike
Pandaru, Cristina
Sanchez, Rolando
Tsai, Shu-Yi
Kaida, Nancy


Anderson, Sandra
Bradford, Diana
Guevara, Leticia

Maldonado, Elsa
O'Campo, Elsa
Rios, Gilbert [
Education/Student Development] 


Basu, Debashis
Bourland, Mark
Jurena, Mark
Pressly, Thomas [Engineering/Chemistry]

Rosilier, Ashley
Zhou, Qiaoying (Joy) [Engineering/Physics] 


Alt, Genavieve
Alvarez, Alexis
Barrera, Marisela

Bayardo, Jose
Best, Anne
Bravo, Suzi
Carey, Sabrina
Chandler, Kelly
Cothran, Alyssa
Dill, Kimberly

Estrada, Kazia
Font, Deborah
Gardin, Michael Lee [English/Humanities]
Glass, Kathryn
Goggin, JP
Gomez, Valerie

Gonzalez, Anival
Green, Lamarr
Griest-Devora, Barbara

Johnson, Lindsay
Jones, Blake

Lawrence, Laura
Magaloni, Ignacio
Marin-Guerra, Stacey

Mc Kinney, Kristina
McWilliam, Fiona
Mejias, Sarah
Montalbano, Anthony
Moore-Felux, Julie
Moreno, Cameron
Moseley, William
Obermiller, George

Pardo, Erica [English/Student Development]
Pedraza, Venetia (June)

Petersen, Laura
Poissant, April
Posey, Britt
Raymond, Samantha
Reading, Mary
Rodriguez, Omar
Rohde, Bridgette
Sanchez, Elvia

Tolan, Denise
Torres, Carmen (Yvette)
Trevino, Natalia

Ward, Michael
Zaldivar, Holly
Zepeda, Melinda

Environmental Engr Tech/Student Development

Marquise, Howard

Environmental Science/Geography

Walker, Scott

Film/Cinema Studies

Villarreal, Joshua

French Language

Do, Thi Nhat Linh


Trease, Andrea
Yeager, Charles


Magruder, Cindy
Sahabi, Shannon [
Smyth, Dustin

German Language

Hill, Kayla


Angello, Dana
Cardona, Debra
Dunagan, Pamela
Franklin, Cynthia
Guevara, Homer
Jackson, Kort
Marbut, Robert
Mendoza, Joan
Mueller, Chad
Nejad, Jalal
Reyes-Barrientez, Alicia
Richardson, Jeffrey

Stokley, Jessika
Tomen Bassett, Bihter
Vela, Arnoldo
Williamson, Robert

Graphic or Commercial Art/Multimedia Digital Video

Sertich, Victoria

Health Information Technology

Vasquez, Alberto


Acosta, Carlos
Ball, Sarah
Cain, Jennifer
Canestaro, Gloria (Toni)

Castellanos, Caroline
Cox, Sheena
Fernandez, Peter
Gaitan, Jared
Galindo, David
Garza, Abel 
Garza, Sandra
Gonzalez-Stout, Corina
Lennox, Holly
Martinez, Paul
McClurg, Kimberly
Pohovich, Monica
Steffek, Meaghan
Trevino, Brandon
Valadez, Lucy
Vice, James
Wasniewski, Stefania [
Wheeler,  Austin
Wolfe, Barry
Wood, Audree


Cabunoc Romero, Keli Rossa
Coroneos, Craig
Epstein, Lee
Garcia, Migdalia

Lewis, Neil
Watts, Jami
Wood, Dain

Information Technology

Burch, Matthew [Information Tech-CISCO/Info Tech--Networking/Information Tech Security] 
Grillo, John [Information Technology-CISCO] 
McChesney, Gregory [Information Technology--Networking] 
Yeater, Robert [Information Technology-CISCO]


Cook, Laura [Kinesiology/Education] 
Dimas, Joe
Ellis, Karla
Wiley, Kevron

Library Instruction

Gorrell, Amanda


Anderson, Wesley
Armand, Nichole
Babu, Christy

Bartonek, Amanda
Bayat, Faranak
Bishop, Eddie
Bradshaw, Kelli [Mathematics/Student Development] 
Carrillo, Robert

Chagoya Verdin, Claudia
Collins Montalbano, Amy
Dart, James
Digiovanni, Robert
Emig, Christa
Escobar, Manuel [Mathematics/Student Development] 
Gardner, Robert

Guerra, Javier
Hale, Phnesha
Hernandez, Susan

Hunt, Heidi
Kalinowski, Neil
Koch, Jerry

Manchester, Ellen [Mathematics/Student Development] 
Mangold, Michele
Pace, Julie
Rosenthal, Debra
Roy, Jaideep (Mat)

Salazar, Laura
Schulze, Virginia
Trevino, Hector

Uresti, Yvette
Watkins, William
Zocchi, Mary

Multimedia Digital Video/Digital Game & Sim Dev

Richmond, Sarah [GAME/ARTV/INEW]
Vanderburg, William


Beard, Francis (John) [Music--Individual Instr] 
Camann, Mark [Music--Individual Instr/Music] 
Cartwright, Katharine [Music--Individual Instr/Music] 
Godoy, John [
Music--Individual Instr/Music] 
McCarty, Karen [Music/Student Development] 
Rocha, Aurelia 
Smith, Daniel [Music--Individual Instr/Music] 

Pharmacy Technician

Lomas, Marlena
Martinez, David
Ramirez, Rebecca


Gittinger, George
Hinkley, Charles
Naylor, Marshall
Pope, Nakia
Rosenberg, Jonathan
Young De Cantu, Monica

Physical Education

Dimas, Teresa
Prok, Travis [Physical Education, General/Kinesiology] 


Alquiza, Josh Emmanuel
Turanski, Amber


Barrera, Brandi
Brown, Traci
Cortes, Franco Laura

Cowan, Trina
Evans, Anna Marie
Fox, Jennifer
Hausen, Barbara
Heredia, Roque [
Psychology/Student Development] 
Lucas, Donald

Montanye, Erica
Phillips, Catherine
Reyes, Paulo
Squires, Amanda
Sramek, Kristin
Wright, Melissa (Liz)
Zapata, Patricia


Abdul-Razaq, Haetham
Draker, Heather
Hubbard, Annie
Paige, Kara
Spraggins, Johnnie

Spanish Language

Bagge, Martha
Damron, Maria (Pilar)
Gaytan-Baker, Azalia (Sally)
Greszler-Gomez, Carla
Schmader, Lourdes (Luli)
Shipman, Kelly
Wilson, Carolina


Aguillon, Ruben
Boatman, Ontre
Burton, Amy

Crayton, Kahala
Fouts, Kelly

Hodyc, Kyle
Jansky, Elaine

Keene, Darcy [Speech/Student Development] 
McDaniel, Lisa

Miller, Lauren
Montemayor, Steven
Sifuentes, Lane
Yznaga, Lydia

Wilking, Karin [Speech/Student Development] 

Student Development

Aguirre, Michelle
Brown, George
Cavazos, Angela

Eickhoff, Amy
Fischer, Helena
Gardner, Roger

Garza, Randall
Guevara, Leticia
Guzman, Nicole
Jackson, Virginia
King, Felicia
Lacquement, Sibel
Landa, Gabriela
Marshall-Schrader, Theresa
Mitchell, Stacey
Moody, Marie
Pelaez, Diana

Plummer, Mallory
Reyes Guevara, Yolanda
Rodriguez, Christine (Baily)
Rodriguez, Steven

Rodriguez Venegas, Alicia
Sherman, Adrianna
Spohn, Mike
White, Valarie
Wood, Kimberley

Canvas Course Layout for Faculty

A 16-Week course layout is available to download into your Canvas courses from the Canvas Commons. 

To add this resource to your Canvas course(s) follow these steps:

  • Log into ACES and enter Canvas.
  • Select Commons in the left gray menu.
  • In the search box, type the name of the resource NVC Layout Condensed Orientation

NVC Layout Condensed Orientation

  • Select the blue Import/Download button on the right.
  • Check the course(s) into which you want to import the resource.
  • Select the blue Import into Course button at the bottom

Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy- Interactive Tool

Writing objectives can be a challenge! It can be tough to find the right verb to answer the assessment questions you want to ask. Then, combining it with the right instructional strategy can be a struggle. Here is a simple tool to help make the process easier. Select each Bloom level to get simple-to-use information at your fingertips. The Home icon at the bottom right corner will always take you back to the Bloom's Hierarchy page.

Click Here for Instructional Design Resources